Nick Waldrop

Nick Waldrop
Cool Dude

Monday, July 12, 2010

Nick Waldrop Bike Ride

Hello again everyone! Just wanted you to check out this video of Nick at the Abilities Expo this weekend. He rode a bike all by himself! It was awesome. The bike is expensive and of course not covered by insurance. We are currently applying for funding and any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!!!!!

Blogging - Day One

Most of you that will be reading this have some idea of Nicholas' situation and his journey thus far. For the rest of you I will give you a brief overview.

Nicholas was born in January 2006 with an extremely rare condition called TAR Syndrome (Thrombocytopenia, absent radius). This condition is marked by a low platelet count which required numerous platelet infusions over the first 2 years of Nick's life. It is also marked by missing radii in both arms resulting in clubbed hands. In addition his arms are much shorter than your typical child and will be throughout his life. Nicholas was also born missing the lower bones in his left leg. This required an amputation of his left foot at a year old and he now walks with a prosthesis.

Nick has had numerous surgeries in his 4 short years. The most recent was a fixator placement in order to lengthen his ulna on his right hand and then centralizing the right hand on the newly lengthened ulna. This pair of surgeries will be repeated on his left hand next winter.

Despite his challenges, Nick is a well adjusted, happy little boy who loves to do things that all other boys love to do. He has a smile for everyone he meets! In the 4 years I have had being his mom he has amazed me every day with the things that he can do...that we never thought he'd be able to.